Exceptional products are created by exceptional teams
Reorganising internal practices to fit around a user-centered design allows you to add human value (wellbeing, inclusion, better communication, transparency, collaborative work, creative freedom, recognition, etc.) with teams being better aligned, more efficient and more motivated as a result.
As a result, the organisation gains:
- Products and services well adapted to your customers
- Increased productivity
- Better engagement from teams
- Un gain de confiance dans le management
- Une meilleure gestion du temps
UX maturity models of organisations
There are a number of models that are trying today to categorize and define the UX maturity of organisations. We have created a quiz, a simplified version of a UX maturity assessment questionnaire. Take this quiz: the score obtained will give you a first indication of the stage in which your organisation is according to the 5-stage maturity model described on this image:
Step 1 : UX not recognised
Here are the main actions your organisation can take to progress to stage 2 where UX is implemented:
- Find a “UX Ambassador” within your organisation or become one by deepening your understanding of UX.
- Share clear information about the importance of UX for the success of your products or services to your teams and/or managers of your structure.
- Integrate a simple UX activity (for example a user test) into a project under development and document it to make it a business case.
How can Telono lead you towards stage 2?
- By training your teams and collaborators with our UX-PM training cycle, the first international UX certification offered in Switzerland for project management and design of products and services with and for users.
- By organising and carrying out a usability test of your products or services with your target users in our user testing laboratory or in the field.
Step 2 : emerging UX
In step 2, managers are seduced by the UX approach and research how profitable it can be: they set up a working group responsible for understanding what the organisation needs to focus on in order to improve the UX of products and services. A UX team is formed and begins with the mapping of the overall user experience.
Here are the main actions your organisation can take to progress to stage 3 where UX performance indicators start being implemented and monitored :
- Deepen the understanding of UX among executives, managers, and employees.
- Establish a UX team with a clear governance structure.
- Map the different touchpoints of customers and users through user journey maps of the service to identify friction points and innovation opportunities.
How can Telono lead you towards step 3?
- By training your main teams and collaborators with our UX-PM training cycle
- By organising and carrying out a usability test of your products or services with your target users in our testing lab or in the field.
- By organising and leading workshops about personas and customer experience mapping with your teams.
- By designing the prototypes and interfaces of your new services with the best UX possible
Step 3: UX Implementation
Here are the main actions your organisation can take to progress to stage 4 where UX becomes part of any development project:
- Set up a user-centered design process adapted to your internal culture and based on successful projects.
- Make sure the internal UX team sets up and maintains an up-to-date UX library (design pattern, design system, tools and methods) both for their professional use and for the benefit of the organisation.
- Establish a budget dedicated to UX to ensure adequate resources are used to improve customer/user experience.
How can Telono lead you towards step 4 ?
- By training your main teams and collaborators with our UX-PM training cycle.
- By organising and carrying out a usability test of your products or services with your target users in our testing lab or in the field.
- By defining an ergonomic charter or a complete design system for the design and development of your products or service
Step 4 : Integrated UX
Here are the main actions your organisation can take to progress to step 5 where UX is an integral part of any development project:
- Re-evaluate your UX metrics to make sure they help you establish a deeper connection and knowledge of your customers or users
- Develop user research approaches to understand, monitor and design for smaller or more specific customer or user segments.
- Regularly look for examples of emerging best practices that you can share and adopt.
How can Telono lead you towards step 5 ?
- By organising and carrying out regular quantitative surveys and qualitative UX tests with the different target user segments of your products or services in our test laboratory or in the field.
- By updating your primary and secondary personas and by facilitating customer experience mapping workshops with your teams to align the UX vision.
- By performing UX audits of your services and a benchmark of best practices for your field of activity.
Step 5 : Strategic UX
Dans cette phase ou étape 5, les organisations ont intégré l’UX dans leurs décisions stratégiques et pratiques quotidiennes. Les indicateurs et objectifs de qualité UX sont définis, suivis et clairement communiqués par la direction tant aux collaborateurs en interne qu’aux clients et utilisateurs des produits et services.
Here are the main actions your organisation can take to maintain itself in step 5 where UX is part of the DNA and strategy of the company:
- Regularly motivate your employees to ensure that the user-centric values of your company or organisation remain understood and applied.
- Monitor the evolution of needs and expectations from your customers and/or users to ensure your brand continues to arouse interest and loyalty.
- Help your organisation staying focused on producing a good user experience even if other priorities emerge in your industry.
How can Telono help you to maintain this level of maturity?
- By organising and leading UX vision alignment and strategy workshops with various decision-makers in your organisation.
- By developing qualitative and quantitative user research approaches with your team to collect data in order to anticipate the real needs and expectations of your customers or users.
- By supporting your teams in the UX design and evaluation of your products and services.
Which challenge are you trying to solve now?
Select the most appropriate need:
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