I need to optimise an existing product or service

Our aim: To allow you to get results within a short space of time.

It is not always possible to completely rethink products or services. This is sometimes because of budget, or the amount of time it takes to get all the stakeholders on board. However, change is necessary: you know that it’s badly needed and the statistics (traffic, bounce rate, call centres etc.) aren’t good.
Expert audits and user testing are both quick and easy methods, allowing you to correct the main issues at a low cost.

9773FF05-4300-4570-A13C-087BBDE9BBC4Created with sketchtool.


Ranks issues based on their importance

Get recommendations for any necessary optimisations

Better alignment within your team

Quand le faire

When an external opinion is vital for moving the project forward

If you have a limited budget

When you need quick results

How we will work together

Phase 1: Defining the framework and preparing the approach

Firstly, we’ll agree a project framework with you. During the kick-off meeting, we’ll collect information on your market, strategy, target users, main user scenarios, as well as the problems that you are currently facing. On this basis, we’ll prepare an action plan with you.

Phase 2 : Our support package

Our support package will depend on the options which were drawn up in the action plan.

The expert audit, , is an evaluation of the user experience on your website by one of our UX consultants.

Les User testing is held in individual sessions where users interact with your products and services.

Phase 3: Presentation and recommendations

As part of the support package, we’ll produce a full report where we’ll record the results of our observations, provide written or visual recommendations and ranked in terms of priority. This document will directly apply to your production teams (graphic designers and developers).


  • Report with recommended optimisations
Need help with your UX initiatives?

Since 2005, more than 320 UX projects done.