Home - About us
We are Telono. We’ve been creating digital products and services since 2005.
The story of "Te-lo-no"
In 2005, Florian Egger founds Telono, fresh out of the University of Technology in Eindhoven with a doctorate in Human-Computer Interaction (HMI). Already sensitive to a web accessible to everyone, he chooses a simple name with 3 syllables to ease pronunciation in every language. To the simplicity of the name is added the universal shape of the logo – inspired by the Vitruvian man of Leonardo da Vinci, a symbol of humanity. In a few words, this is the story of Telono.
What we are
How we work
Our Teloners
Laetitia Giannettini
UX Design and usability consultant
Florian Egger
Managing director
“Your contact point to define your UX needs.”
Loïc Ebbing
Marketing coordinator and UX consultant
“As marketing coordinator, I work closely with the UXalliance to meet the needs of our local and international customers.”
Priscille Bertrand
User Expérience consultant
“She works on analysis and research phases and collaborates on UX strategies definition.”
David De Siebenthal
UX/UI Designer consultant
“I sketch user interfaces and create prototypes during the design stage of a project.”
Matthieu Desjobert
UX Design and usability consultant
Maybe you?
Unsolicited application and Freelance
“Send your resume/portfolio and cover letter to contact@telono.com. We are always open to new opportunities of collaboration.”
Jérôme Sedyn
UX/UI Designer consultant
“I sketch user interfaces and create prototypes during the design stage of a project.”
We are the swiss partners of the UXalliance
The UXalliance is a global network made up of 25 UX agencies which, since 2005, have been helping organisations implemented around the world to create and bring consistency to their international products and services.
Do you need to challenge your services and products internationally? Or to establish yourself in the Swiss market? Telono becomes your single point of access to a network of partners in more than 50 countries.