I need to continually test out our services on our customers

Our aim: To empower you to learn about your customers on a regular basis.

For a number of years, designing the user experience has been an integral part of the digital business strategy. For example, Amazon invested 100 times more in UX than in its marketing. It’s simple: UX allows you to increase your market share and customer loyalty, whilst reducing acquisition and support costs.

However, having an in-house UX team is a considerable investment and isn’t always possible. Getting external support from a specialised agency like Telono could be a good alternative in terms of effectiveness and return on investment.

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Helps you monitor the user experience in the long-term

Ability to make decisions based on customer data and nor that of institutions

Have a better knowledge of your users

Helps you anticipate potential changes

Reduced amount of time spent on designing and improving your products Improved engagement of internal teams Moves the internal business culture towards a culture built on experimentation

Quand le faire

When a decision hasn’t been made by your organisation or team

When you have an inclination about a product but don’t have any concrete proof

When your teams are busy managing the product and don’t have time to undertake research

When you have a number of teams in charge of managing the products

When you create a product that doesn’t have the desired effect when it’s launched

How we will work together

Phase 1: Limiting the scope

We charge an hourly rate for qualitative or quantitative research, including your choice of: user interviews, questionnaires, user testing, card sorting, site mapping, A/B testing, co-creation workshops etc. There are many different tools that you can use, so make sure that: before each study, we advise you on the best approach to employ to reach your objectives.

Phase 2: Research/test period

Whatever your chosen service is, we will make sure that we regularly keep in touch with you and all the stakeholders:
  • Kick-off meeting at the start of the service
  • Putting together a document which solidifies the approach and objectives
  • Regular contact during the process (between two iterations, for example)
  • Quick debrief after a series of interviews
  • Formal delivery of the service
  • Delivery of the full report at the end of a service

Phase 3: Presentation of the findings

We will present the test report to you with all the findings ranked in terms of importance and/or of priority, complete with short and mid-term recommendations.


  • Test plan or interview guide
  • Test plan or interview guide
  • Test or research report
Need help with your UX initiatives?

Since 2005, more than 320 UX projects done.