How to conceive in Human centered design

At Telono, we choose the most appropriate method to solve your problems. Here are the descriptions of some of the methods we use.

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Below, some of the methods we use to define the characteristics and needs of your target users:

Competitive analysis: The competitive analysis (benchmarking) consists in analysing a panel of competing systems to highlight the positive (best practices) and negative points, as well as the interface conventions of the domain. This method is often applied as a heuristic evaluation.

Task Analysis: The task analysis consists of defining the different tasks and sub-tasks that the user will have to perform and to establish the order in which these tasks will be linked. To do this, there are many methods and formalisms, such as the Analytical Method Description (MAD).

Usage context analysis: Usage context analysis is about collecting as much information as possible about what users actually do in a given activity to be able to translate that activity into an interface.

Diary study: Longitudinal study in the form of a paper or online journal in which the participant describes each interaction with a product or service. The logbook approach can also be conceptual, ie to study the social interactions and modes of communication of certain groups of customers.

Surveys: Online / paper quizzes to gather maximum feedback from current or future users.

Structured Interviews: Individual interviews to gather accurate information about user profiles, needs, wants and expectations.

Ethnographic studies: Observations of how a product or service is used in its context of normal use. These ethnographic / field studies can be done at the participant’s or in various locations or situations. It provides information about how the product or service interacts with the user and the needs or innovations that can be designed to improve the user experience.

Focus groups: Moderated focus groups to validate or collect information from customers about their experience with an existing system or new concepts. This method can be part of a competitive analysis.

Personas: Detailed profiles of typical users used to simulate the behavior of different user groups. These fictional characters are created to understand the goals, desires, needs, behaviors and preferences of users. This can help make decisions about the product, such as features, interactions, and visual design.

Prototyping: Prototyping involves simulating the interface of a product to obtain information about the interaction of users with the future product. The evaluation of the prototype thus makes it possible to verify how the software should operate from the point of view of the user.

Usability tests: User tests on competing systems (benchmarking) or on a prototype system (paper prototype or low fidelity).

Card sorting: Card sorting is an information organization method that allows you to define site sections corresponding to the mental representations of end users. This consists of presenting the user with a pack of “cards” that he must sort according to his own logic.

Design Workshops (Affinity Diagram and Brainstorming): The affinity diagram is useful for classifying a large amount of information by logical group. Participants add, remove, or rearrange items. Brainstorming also involves asking participants to sketch their ideas. These types of workshops are inexpensive techniques for obtaining new ideas or bringing out an idea among other ideas already existing.