Trust in Electronic Commerce: The role of trust from a legal, an organizational and a technical point of view

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Book Description

Electronic commerce is here to stay. No matter how big the dot-com crisis was or how far the e-entrepreneurs’ shares fell in the market, the fact remains that there is still confidence in electronic trading. At least it would appear that investors are confident in e-companies again. However, not only trust of venture capitalists is of importance – consumers also have to have faith in on-line business. After all, without consumers there is no e-business. Interacting lawyers, technicians and economists are needed to create a trustworthy electronic commerce environment. To achieve this environment, thorough and inter-disciplinary research is required and that is exactly what this book is about. Researchers of the project Enabling Electronic Commerce from the Dutch universities of Tilburg and Eindhoven have chosen a number of e-topics to elaborate on trust from their point of view.

Contents & Contributors

  • E-Commerce and Trust: a Variety in Challenges; C. Prins L. van der Wees.
  • Consumer Trust in E-Commerce: From Psychology to Interaction Design; F. N. Egger .
  • What Cryptology Can Mean for Electronic Commerce; B. Schoenmakers H. van Tilborg .
  • Importance of User-related Factors in Electronic Payment Systems; D. Abrazhevich.
  • A Managerial Perspective of Security in Electronic Business; K. Huang.
  • Integrated Value Chains in E-Commerce and their IT Implications; M. Papazoglou et al.
  • Creating Alternative Electronic Trading Mechanisms in Time-Sensitive Transaction Markets; P. Ribbers et al.
  • European Data Protection and E-Commerce: Trust Enhancing? P. De Hert.
  • Legal Aspects of Software Agents; R. Geurts .
  • ADR and ODR in Electronic Commerce; M. Schellekens L. van der Wees.

How to quote:

Egger, F.N. (2002). Consumer Trust in E-Commerce: From Psychology to Interaction Design. In: Prins, J.E.J., Ribbers, P.M.A., van Tilborg, H.C.A., Veth, A.F.L. & J.G.L. van der Wees (Eds.) (2002). Trust in Electronic Commerce: The role of trust from a legal, an organizational and a technical point of view, pp: 11-43. Kluwer Law International, The Hague (The Netherlands), ISBN 90-411-1845-4.