Support for the creation of a UX maturity model adapted to the hospital

CHUV (Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois)

The CHUV was introducing new IT tools and wanted to put the hospital’s caregivers and staff back at the heart of the process.

This is why the CHUV sought Telono’s help to develop its internal organization and increase its level of UX maturity.
"1. Écoute des collaborateurs & des utilisateurs. 2. Maîtrise du processus centré utilisateur. 3. Indicateurs UX au sein du management. 4. Ressources & formation à l'UX. 5. Impact et responsabilité sociale."
The CHUV was introducing new IT tools and wanted to put the hospital’s caregivers and staff back at the heart of the process.

This is why the CHUV sought Telono’s help to develop its internal organization and increase its level of UX maturity.
"1. Écoute des collaborateurs & des utilisateurs. 2. Maîtrise du processus centré utilisateur. 3. Indicateurs UX au sein du management. 4. Ressources & formation à l'UX. 5. Impact et responsabilité sociale."


  • Training the IT team in the benefits of human-centered design;

  • Comparison of existing UX maturity models; Creation of a maturity model with different phases of progression adapted specifically for the healthcare center, based on 5 key measurable pillars;

  • Implementation of a tool to measure the evolution of UX maturity, with the administration of an operational questionnaire.


An IT team trained in UX design and user-centered design.

Contributing to the promotion of UX in the organization by progressing in a UX maturity model adapted to the hospital.

An operational measure of the organization's evolution, so you can stay on course and adapt the next steps.


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