Definition of the UX vision and design of the Morges-Bière-Cossonay public transport app

Transports de la région Morges Bière Cossonay (MBC)

The Morges-Bière-Cossonaytransport (MBC) regional company wanted to better understand the expectations and needs of its users (residents, schoolchildren, tourists…) in order to enhance the User eXperience (UX) on its digital channels.
The Morges-Bière-Cossonaytransport (MBC) regional company wanted to better understand the expectations and needs of its users (residents, schoolchildren, tourists…) in order to enhance the User eXperience (UX) on its digital channels.



An application more in tune functionally and graphically with market requirements.

A better showcase for local specialties (flavor train, etc.).

Validation of design principles by users in focus groups.


Prototype of the MBC PWA

|   Prototype of the MBC home page for desktop and mobile display of the Progressive Web App (PWA)

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